JFS 1.4 Installation
Restart Policy
Please acknowledge the following before installing JFS:
- JFS patch should be properly applied to your JIRA instance; patching is mandatory; patches are distributed as separate ZIP files at the Downloads
- You must restart your JIRA immediately in case of any change made to JFS state via UPM (aka 'Manage Add-ons'). This includes installing, enabling, disabling, upgrading, uninstalling etc. of JFS add-on.
- You also must restart JIRA immediately if you update UPM add-on. Updating UPM causes reloading (i.e. disabling then enabling) of all user-installed plugins, including JFS, which in turn requires JIRA restart.
- Stop your JIRA instance
- Download JIRA patch ZIP according to your JIRA version - patch version should match your JIRA version exactly
- Download JFS plugin JAR file according to your JIRA version and place it to
Starting from v1.3, we ship different JAR packages according to JIRA version - refer to Downloads page.
For JIRA Standalone:
- Make a backup copy of your JIRA installation or make sure you have an original JIRA distribution package;
- Unzip JIRA patch ZIP file to
folder of JIRA installation. Please pay extra attention to the folder you are unpacking the patch archive to.
For JIRA WAR/EAR installation:
- Unzip JIRA patch ZIP file to
subfolder of JIRA build folder; - Build JIRA and redeploy it to your application server.
Finally, start your JIRA and navigate to Administration->Field Security->Update History Entries to update issue change history records (follow the on-screen instructions).
To check if the JFS patch is applied properly:
- After JIRA has been started, navigate to
Administration -> System Info
; Modified Files
section should look like this:JIRA 4.0.2-4.2.4:
[Installation Type: Standalone] secure/views/issue/moveissue-confirm.jsp, jira-application.properties, secure/views/issue/convertissuetosubtask-confirm.jsp, com/atlassian/jira/issue/history/ChangeLogUtils.class, entitydefs/entitymodel.xml, templates/plugins/issueviews/single-word.vm, com/atlassian/jira/issue/history/ChangeItemBean.class, templates/plugins/jira/issuetabpanels/changehistory.vm, com/atlassian/jira/plugin/atlassian-bundled-plugins.zip, com/atlassian/jira/issue/fields/CustomFieldImpl.class
JIRA 4.3-6.4 (JFS patch v1.2):
[Installation Type: Standalone] secure/views/issue/moveissue-confirm.jsp, jira-application.properties, secure/views/issue/convertissuetosubtask-confirm.jsp, com/atlassian/jira/issue/history/ChangeLogUtils.class, entitydefs/entitymodel.xml, atlassian-bundled-plugins.zip, templates/plugins/issueviews/single-word.vm, templates/plugins/jira/issuetabpanels/changehistory.vm, WEB-INF/lib/jira-api-4.3.1.jar, com/atlassian/jira/issue/fields/CustomFieldImpl.class
JIRA 7.0 and later (JFS patch v1.3.0):
[Installation Type: Standalone] lib/jira-api-7.9.2.jar, entitydefs/entitymodel.xml, templates/plugins/issueviews/single-word.vm, com/atlassian/jira/issue/history/ChangeLogUtils.class, com/atlassian/jira/issue/fields/ImmutableCustomField.class, secure/views/issue/moveissue-confirm.jsp, jira-application.properties, secure/views/issue/convertissuetosubtask-confirm.jsp, templates/plugins/jira/issuetabpanels/changehistory.vm
If it looks like the one below - the patch has not been applied properly:
[Installation Type: Standalone] jira-application.properties, entityengine.xml, secure/admin/user/views/userbrowser.js
License is needed for the plugin to operate. To get an evaluation license:
- Navigate to My Account
- Create a new evaluation license under Licenses tab.
- Copy&paste generated license data to Administration->Field Security->Licensing page of your JIRA instance.
- Evaluation license will be valid for 30 days. After that you should purchase a commercial license.
You have successfully installed the JFS Plugin. Now you can move to JFS Tutorial to see how the plugin can be easily configured in three steps.
Upgrading to latest version
- Make a backup copy of
folder to save JFS configuration in case smth goes wrong; - Follow JFS Installation procedure