Is there and "AND" operator on JFS rules

  • bduclos
Posted: Tue, 11/24/2015 - 17:39

Hi everybody,

I have a simple question. Is it possible to use an "AND" operator on jfs rules.
So, I explain my request :

Expected :
I would like my custom field in read-only for the user who belong to user group "user" AND for the status "In progress" of the issue.
How can I do that ? If I can of course :-p

Trying this Field security scheme :
- rule 1 : user group "admin" ==> allow all
- rule 2 : user group "user" ==> read-only
- rule 3 : issue status "In progress" ==> read-only

Result :
For a connected user who belongs to user group "user", my custom field is in read-only mode irrespective the issue status.
In the same way, for my issue in "In progress" status, my custom field is in read-only mode irrespective the user group of the connected user.

Best regards,
Benjamin Duclos
SII Company

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Hi Alex, Thanks for your

  • bduclos
  • 10/29/15
  • Wed, 11/25/2015 - 19:19

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your quick reply !
So, I wiil continue with my dynamic job in JS who works good with REST API to check user rights and status issue to enable or disable my CustomField.

Best regards,
Benjamin Duclos
SII Bordeaux

Hi Alex, Thanks for your

  • bduclos
  • 10/29/15
  • Wed, 11/25/2015 - 19:18

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your quick reply !
So, I wiil continue with my dynamic job in JS who works good with REST API to check user rights and status issue to enable or disable my CustomField.

Best regards,
Benjamin Duclos
SII Bordeaux

Hi Benjamin, I see your point

  • admin
  • 02/16/10
  • Wed, 11/25/2015 - 16:33

Hi Benjamin,

I see your point but unfortunately JFS has no such thing as rule operators.
