Global Edit Validation & Postfunction scripts are disabled due to installation problem: incompatible Quick Edit plugin.

  • Dmitriy
Posted: Fri, 05/26/2017 - 11:45

Hi, i have JIRA Software 7.3.6.

I have installed the plugin Scripting Suit, but i get error
"Global Edit Validation & Postfunction scripts are disabled due to installation problem: incompatible Quick Edit plugin. "

I followed the recommendations:

But the error remained...
Any idea what is happening?

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Hi Dmitriy, There are no

  • admin
  • 02/16/10
  • Tue, 05/30/2017 - 17:20

Hi Dmitriy,

There are no pre-built versions of IssueNav and Quickedit plugins exist for JIRA 7.3.6. You may try to build them by yourself using the JIRA sources and patches provided on the mentioned wiki page. Or you may consider a commercial Scripting Suite Pro add-on which has these features working out of the box.
